Tuesday, June 29, 2010


the basket is made from a poppy pod


  1. You could carry your aspirin in it!

  2. Hi. I love, love, love and totally adore your mice. So happy i found your blog and can follow... such a treat!
    Can i show your mice on my blog with a link to you? I know lot's of the bloggers will love them and want to follow you.
    Four or five pages back (clcik older posts) on my own blog you can see some mice i bought at KDF.
    Do you sell your mice?
    Best wishes, Nikki xxx

  3. Hi Nikki,
    I'm glad you found me! I looked at your blog, and am amazed by your miniatures...are you sure they weren't made by fairies?
    You are welcome to post my mice on your blog; thank you for asking.
    I don't sell them at this point, but I'm working on ways to get them out there (possibly a children's book).


  4. Thank you for letting me show the mice. I will post about them later today. They really are so beautiful!
    Your book idea I'm sure would be a hit.
    Here is a blog i follow where the author has created a book from her photgraphs with two little teeth. http://mymilktoof.blogspot.com/
    They always make me laugh!
    Nikki xxx

  5. Thanks to Nikki for directing me here - your Mice are adorable, looking forward to following this blog.

  6. Again, I found your blog through Nikki's post -- I think your work is stunningly beautiful as well as moving and just plain adorable :)

  7. I am in love with your mice too and I too found your blog through Nikki's blog. Do you sell your little mice? You should you know they are delightful.

    Debie xxx

  8. He estado visitando tu blog y no sabria con cual de todos tus maravillosos ratones quedarme, me encantan!!!!
    Me gusta hacer escenas de brujas y tus ratones quedarian genial, me gustaria muchisimo aprender a hacer las maravillas que haces. besitos ascension

  9. LOVE your mice!!!! They are so adorable! I have linked you to my blog too!!

  10. YIPPEEE, so happy I found your blog. I absolutely love your mice!!!

  11. HEY, I just noticed you're from Portland like me. I didn't think there were any other mini mice makers in my city, lol. COOL!

  12. I just spent the most amazing half an hour or so looking at your beautiful photos. I just love your mouses and their homes. I've been watching a series of children's books about mouses lately wanting to create a mouse house of my own and now I see these fabulous darlings of yours! This is so very inspiring and makes me want to try to create my own mouse-world too. Thank you so much for sharing these fabulous shots and stories!


  13. Me again Maggie, lol. But if you sell these little darlings anywhere, I have a customer that is an absolute mouse fanatic! I know she would go crazy over your little guys. Let me know, and I'll refer her to you. I'd probably lose her as a customer, hahaha, but she's such a sweet lady I'd hate to have her miss out on these.

  14. I must thank Nikki for sharing your blog! You have created the most wonderful little mice! So sweet and SO cute! I hope you do publish a children's book! We grownups would love it too!

  15. Your mice are absolutely adorable Maggie, I'm so pleased nikki posted your link so I could find you !
    julie xxx

  16. Maggie I've also posted a link on my blog to yours. Nikki and I was totally besotted with your wonderful little Mice. xxx

  17. I just found your blog. Someone has posted it on facebook as a wonderful blog. She was right it is. what an incredible talent you have. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Oh my word, your mice are sooooo cute.


  19. Your mice are so sweet!
    Mini hugs ♥

  20. Hi!
    Your mouses are so natural and I think it´s fantastic pictures you have taken on them.
    I´ve crocheted mouses with clothes and you can find them in my blog.
    Hug Britt

  21. Hi! I like your blog. I hope I can make something like this in the future. :-)


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