
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I'll be reading I Wish I Had A Pet this Saturday 8th at Powell's Books.  11:00 am, in the children's section.  Come!


  1. Your scenes are so spectacularly realized, Maggie. Stunning. Just stunning. They warm the heart like a cozy!

  2. This one is MAGNIFICENT!!! I love all the other creatures. The bird is so adorable looking at the book. Well done! :-)))

  3. Fantastic image! I love how the white background helps the focus stay on the animals. xo Jennifer

  4. Oh this is so sweet I love the robin and well everything! Turtles, I rescue from the road all the time, love it all--

  5. I LOVE this one, especially the wide eyed turtle and the inquisitive robin! Wish I could bring my girls on Saturday, but sadly we live across the US in Pennsylvania. We visited Portland last summer, if I had only known...

  6. This is too cute!!! Love love love your creative scenes!

  7. Obviously, it's a super interesting story!! Great work.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. This is so sweet, so pure. I shared it with my little grand daughter Sajda, who loves all creatures, and wants a kitty very much. I told her mouses are very special too, and much smarter than people give them credit for. I have had several mice who were my dear friends...

  9. OMGosh! This is just so so cute! I can't wait to have grand kids to share my books that I bought from you. They are just adorable. Are there plans for a 3rd one any time soon?

  10. Thank you so much for giving us all these sweet, happy and innocent scenes - I just love Mr. Turtle! Bless you!!

  11. I love the turtle! Mouses are amazing too.

  12. Always enchanting! Checking into Mouses Houses is always a celebration. Wish I lived near by and could attend the reading.

  13. ze mną też mieszka żółw - Teofil -
    to bardzo towarzyska gadzina :)


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